
Hi! I'm a full-stack engineer specializing in developing solutions with JavaScript, Python, and PHP.


For any sort of help or inquiries, feel free to send me an email and I'll get back to you soon.

Interested in having me speak at an event?

I specialize in topics related to software development, emerging technologies, and digital marketing.

Want to hire me as a freelancer?

Schedule a free consultation with me and we can discuss about your project.

Social Links

I work on projects including websites, web apps, mobile apps, full-stack software development, web scraping and data analytics, SEO, digital marketing, web and graphic design, video production, and code tutorials.

I've helped small and medium-size businesses and organizations grow and streamline their processes, improve their online presence, and scale their operations through software solutions. I've also built a community of over 6,000 developers sharing knowledge, mentorship, support, tools, code reviews, answering questions, and much more.

When I'm not writing code, I enjoy reading and learning about emerging technologies, minimalism, and startup culture. I share the things I've learned through short videos or on my blog.

Technology Stack


Cris Lawrence Adrian Militante
ICT Director

Bryl was the most talented software engineer I've mentored in a long time. He's a fast learner, and he always makes sure to deliver quality output given a period of time. He is also very keen on learning new technologies, and I find him to be objectively passionate about tech. He's definitely someone you want on your team.

Glenn Pepito

Bryl is a good student and software developer who shows professionalism and dedication in whatever he does. His software projects during his academic years are up to standard and is being used by the university for some of its operations. Bryl also demonstrated social awareness and leadership skills through his involvement as an officer/member in various student and special interest groups in the university.

Ken Gorro
Senior Developer

Intelligent software engineer. Bryl takes lead during software development and can handle and manage teams well.

Van Honoridez
Application Development Analyst

Bryl and I worked together in various projects where I saw his tenacity to deliver what he promised to do. He is able to meet deadlines without sacrificing the quality of the output, and at times even exceeding the set goals. His dedication to pursue his craft and his mindset as a lifelong learner allow him to be easily mentored, as he is eager to learn new technologies. His enthusiasm at new opportunities makes him a great asset because he does everything with renewed energy and finds ways to optimize existing processes. Bryl sure is a great addition to any team!

Bryl Lim.